Inspector’s ‘fantastic’ report praises Winterbourne after-school club

A WINTERBOURNE after-school club has been praised for its caring staff and highly-engaged children.

The Greenfield Club, which supports 70 children aged between five and 11 in the village, was visited by an inspector from Ofsted in September.

Her report congratulated the club’s “child-centred” staff and facilities at the Greenfield Centre in Park Avenue. 

A change in rules means the regulator now only confirms that an after-school club meets its requirements.

This means the club did not have a chance to retain the ‘outstanding’ rating achieved at its previous inspection five years ago.

But manager Sian Plumford said inspector Shahnaz Scully’s comments were “fantastic”.

The Ofsted report said staff “encourage children to share their ideas and value their feedback,” adding: “For example, staff have recently introduced sewing, as well as finger knitting, following children’s requests. 

“During the inspection, children showed great concentration as they weaved wool between their fingers and made a simple chain.”

The report found children enjoy attending the club. 

The inspector said: “They receive a warm welcome by the caring staff team after a busy day at school. All staff know the children well and this helps children to settle in and feel safe to explore their surroundings.” 

“All children show high levels of engagement and concentration.“

Staff encourage children to be independent, learning to wash their hands upon arrival to the club and hang up their belongings without being prompted. 

Younger children are assigned a key person who is responsible for helping them settle in and feel secure. 

Staff are ‘committed to providing outstanding childcare’

The inspector said staff know how to meet the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs or disabilities.

They ask parents of new children to complete a “play and learn diary” so staff know about about children’s individual interests and preferences.

The report highlighted club’s an outdoor area for promoting daily exercise and encouragement of healthy eating, with nutritional food options including fresh fruit and low-sugar snacks. 

The inspector said staff ensured parents received up-to-date information, both face-to-face and online, and parents spoke highly of them.

Good partnerships were had also been developed with the children’s schools.

Sian said: “It’s wonderful to have all that we do at the Greenfield Club reflected in our fantastic Ofsted report.

“The team are so committed to providing outstanding childcare.

“They work hard to ensure that our children are safe, included, supported and thriving within our wonderful after-school and holiday club.

“I have read and re-read the report, looking for what we could better and what the inspector feels we should improve on.

“There’s nothing but positive feedback – a true reflection of our amazing club!”

Picture: Greenfield Club staff and children