Green Belt campaigners want you to join them

A CAMPAIGN group which has been revived to fight large-scale Green Belt development in the Frome Valley is organising a walk through some of the area’s green spaces.

VALID (Villages Against Locally Intended Development) campaigned successfully from 2016 to 2019 to stop 1,800 houses being built on green fields opposite Roundways, near the Ring O’Bells pub in Coalpit Heath.

Now the group has reformed with a new team, amid concerns that plans for hundreds more homes are in the pipeline on local fields.

In April’s Voice the group said the presence of dormouse boxes – used to survey the protected species before development – in hedges around fields between the River Frome and Bristol Road set alarm bells ringing.

The group held two meetings in May to rally supporters and form a new committee.

Members of VALID and the Frampton Nature Group will be leading a walk from the Centenary Field behind The Globe pub, off Mill Lane, from 2.30pm on June 17 and are inviting residents to join them.

Frampton Cotterell parish councillor Dave Hockey said: “If you are concerned about losing our beautiful countryside, we hope you will join us for this walk along the Frome Valley, stopping at Black Rocks for a break and a photo opportunity along the way.

“‘Save our Countryside’ T-shirts will be available for people on the walk.”

The group is calling on anyone who is not able to join the walk but feels strongly about possible loss of our countryside to email or check the VALID action group Facebook page for more details.