Police warning to Winterbourne, Frampton Cotterell and Coalpit Heath residents after thefts

HOUSEHOLDERS in Winterbourne, Frampton Cotterell and Coalpit Heath are being warned to make sure parked cars and sheds are locked at night following a spate of thefts.

PCSO Jacqui McCormack told the March meeting of the Frome Vale Community Engagement Forum that thieves were trying car doorhandles and outbuilding doors and stealing anything they could carry away.

She said two or more different people or groups were behind the incidents between January and March, with more than a dozen reported in the area around Perrinpit Road and Old Gloucester Road.

Officers called to one incident had come close to catching the offender, who had left the stolen items behind.

Forensic tests are also being carried out on a crowbar recovered from the scene of one attempted theft.

Extra night patrols are being carried out in all three villages, residents were told.